Caskata Artisanal Home

At Caskata we feel very lucky. As designers, we’re free to choose our inspiration from anywhere in the environment and the culture around us. We’re creators, and we get to make things of beauty from nothing. We start with an idea – then move to our computers. We draw, we edit, we manipulate, and we express our ideas.
But it’s not just us. Part of what makes what we do so much fun is incorporating the voice and the vision of you, our customers, into that process. What would you like to see on your tables, in your homes? What pieces are missing from our collections that would take them that much farther? Make them much more useable for you? Ours is a design process rooted in the practical, the useful, the things we hope to treasure forever… and that we hope you will treasure forever, and that gives it a wonderful relevance, meaning and purpose.
I can’t describe the thrill of having an idea, a drawing, and then holding in your hands a real thing. We model everything very realistically, digitally, but the moment of truth comes when that kiln opens. Each morning, everyone gathers as we open it. Firing is a magical process in which the ideas you’ve been drawing and modeling and printing and cutting and decorating suddenly transform – they vitrify into real, tangible, useable, and beautiful pieces. There’s nothing else to call that but magic.
We hover in the heat of the still-warm kiln, and the pieces are still too hot to touch. We find our pet projects – a tricky monogram, a new prototype, a last-minute idea or a test – and we shout out a spontaneous critique. Then the discussion begins in earnest, as we discuss the pros and cons of our latest firing. What worked, what didn’t, what we want to try next.
It’s part science and part art what we do. We care passionately about each step of the way, and I think you see this care in our pieces – they’re unlike anything else out there. They’ve got a point of view, a sense of humor, and often these days, they’ve got your initials on them.
We like each other here. We’re committed to a shared vision. We’re having fun, and we’re working hard. We’re doing things the old-fashioned hands-on way, which makes it more relevant to us as designers. We love what we do, and we’re thrilled to share it with you. We really do believe that the manner of what we make defines us – from the initial idea to the shipping box you open. We’re grateful to you for embracing our pieces, bringing them into your your lives, and joining us on this journey. Thank you for helping us spend our days doing what we love most. We look forward to being a part of your lives for years to come.